First EP, ExoAnthro, available today on Bandcamp

Today is the day! After releasing a couple of singles over the past few weeks, Solid-State Sunlight’s initial album (EP) is now available to stream and/or purchase on Bandcamp. Per usual, it will be available everywhere else (streaming) next weekend, but for now this album is available exclusively on Bandcamp.

You can get there via my Music page, or you can get it on Bandcamp directly, here.

In related news, a short run of ExoAnthro physical CDs should be in-stock starting next week. I’m pricing them as low as I reasonably can. I love physical media, and by offering this CD I hope to encourage those who enjoy it as much as I do. (on Bandcamp, CD purchase also includes digital download access)

Solid-State Sunlight merch (primarily just t-shirts at first) will be available in a couple weeks, so stay tuned for that.

There are currently no plans to release ExoAnthro on vinyl, but could reconsider if there’s significant interest.